Friday, 7 January 2011

Black Lips

Take My Heart

Take my heart to unknown
To the dark all alone
Stake my heart make it groan
To embark on it's own

On it's own

Take my nerves to a bliss
Make them swerve into abyss
Stake my nerves make them hiss
Take 'em apart to a carcass

Veni Vidi Vici

Cause I came I saw
I conquered all
All ya'll

People look towards Mecca's way
Sistine Cahpel people pray
It don't matter what you do
Holy World War will come for you

Black Lips have been my most recent obsession. I had heard their sinlge ‘Bad Kids’ through the film 500 Days Of Summer (a sappy, sappy film) and loved it but never investigated them despite encouragement from two of my house mates last year. When I decided to fully give them a try I was pleasantly surprised, I have never really been into the whole fuzzy rock n roll flower punk thing but I can safely say that Black Lips have converted the non believer.
The warmth of the fat reverb and slightly out of tune guitars compliments the screeching vocals of all four members who contribute their individual tones to an over all sound most likely to be heard on a return voyage of an old sailing ship full of drunk mad men. With innocent lyrics about religion and partying they make for fantastic listening anyday of the week.