Friday, 22 October 2010



Misery fucking loves me 
and I love her so
She is the cold embrace of no escape 
when I'm left alone
Misery fucking loves me 
and I love her too
She is the dying breath of nothing left 
that I've become accustomed to

London is The Reason

We are the rats and we run this town
We are the black plague bearing down
We have no fear, and we have no pity
We hate you, we hate this city

Every mistake you ever made
the bodies you thought would never need graves
They pave the gutters of London town
until the streets become a feeding ground

Last time I was in North Carolina visiting some old friends, all of who are avid Hardcore and Metal fans, I was asked my opinion on who was spear heading the UK Hardcore scene at present. Without hesitation I answered Gallows, simply because both albums Gallows have released since their formation in 2005 have spewed all the energy, aggression and attitude that a decent Hardcore record requires. 
Frank Carter, the short feisty red-head from Watford, has found a way to be elegantly brutal with his lyrics about love, pain and going out. 


Twenty-seven Strangers

The bus was late
And forced us all to congregate
Twenty-seven strangers
Made to stand and wait

The Pact (I'll Be Your Fever)

But you knew this is all I need
 no more or no less
Your highness I bow to thee 
and to thee this I confess
I was lost in a forest 
but now I'm a believer
So you'd be my master 
and I'll be your fever

I personally really do not like The Barclycard Mercury Music Prize. It gets under my skin. I think the fact a small group of 'Industry professionals' get to decide what gets titled as 'ALBUM OF THE YEAR' is a bit unfair. 
Think about how many fantastic albums were released this year.
The Xx's debut album in my opinion is not one. 
'Bad awkward Disco music' is the best description of this years winner I have come across in conversation so far. 

However, I'll eat part of my hat as the Barclycard Mercury Music Prize did introduce me to Villagers who I have not stopped listening to since. A fantastic debut album filled with lyrical poetry and simply beautiful structure and melody combinations. 
So yeah, don't let the nomination for The Barclycard Mercury Music Prize put you off, this album is brilliant and these two songs are just a taster for this young talented song writers brilliance. 

Plus its sponsored by a bank. What kind of music prize is sponsored by a bank?
Banks suck.